Select Teams
Rep Teams
Club Philosophy

In order to foster the growth of competitive basketball in the city of Thunder Bay, Blaze Basketball is committed to having several rep (competitive) teams at each age group. Teams register for tournaments in Minneapolis with Minnesota Youth Athletic Services (MYAS). Tournamens are schedueld through their coach and each team travels to at least two tournaments a season. Cost to play is TBD.
The number of teams in each group is based upon the following:
- The level of interest at the specific age group
- The underlying ability of the participants
- The availability of Coaches
- The availability of gym facilities
- The ability of each team to cover its own expenses, and
- Parent support for the program.
Team Selection Procedure
Players are invited to try out by division and grade. The tryout process in each division will be co-ordinated through a facilitator. This facilitator will work with the coaches in the division to confirm the number of teams in the division and to identify the players of sufficient calibre to participate in the rep program.
The individual coaches will pick their teams from the identified players. Although the club can make recommendations on number of teams and coaches, the player selection is the sole responsibility of the appointed coach.